Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thursday, March 19

Several of you have asked about visits now that we are home and we would love to see you! Seeing our friends is great for the Lewis' but especially for Khloe since she can't get out to do anything. My only hesitation is that I never know when she will be too fatigued or even sleeping... this morning she was awake at 6 but back to sleep by 7:30am and is still sleeping; yesterday she was resting/sleeping off and on all day. Probably the best thing for those of you close by is just to stop in when you can and for those of you driving a bit, give me a call so we can plan on a date and time.

Our first day home was wonderful, exhausting, envigorating, scary, peaceful, chaotic, and educating. Alot happened and nothing happened...I organized the downstairs to better accomodate Khloe's supplies, meds, equiptment, her nurse came by to teach me how to flush and medicate her PIC line and several friends stopped by to check in and bring helpful information and then the rest of the time we just relaxed and enjoyed being home. I have to mention here how FABULOUS it was to lay down in my bed the last two nights; I never appreciated how comfortable it was until after two weeks of trying to sleep in a chair and I could go on and on about soft yet firm support, cool sheets, fluffy pillows, etc, etc, etc!

Humor for the day...I am required to post a notice on our house stating that oxygen is in use and therefor no smoking is allowed, nor oil or grease brought in. So for all of you that may be planning on coming into our home while smoking or maybe changing the oil in your car or carrying your deep fat fryer with you, please note the sign posted in the front window and make the appropriate adjustments/corrections. You may also take reassurance in the fact that we DO have oxygen in our home so you may breath safely. :-)


  1. I am so glad you posted that warning, I was so going to come by whilst frying some chicken in my portable deep fat fryer! And Scott is going to drop by, and was hoping that he could change the oil in our car while there. We'll have to make other arrangements! Kathi we have so missed you and Khloe, we are so glad you are home. We want to come by and say hi!

  2. We are glad you are home. My children have been quite worried about Khloe and are happy that she is home as well.

  3. Man.....I can't smoke ANYWHERE!!!

    I was hoping we could have come this weekend, but it filled up too quickly. Maybe next weekend, or Spring Break at the latest. We will call you.
    I'm so glad you are both home where you belong now!
    We love you all!

  4. I was so happy when I found out you have a blog! I've wanted to come visit, but I've had a cold this last week, and I didn't want to spread around my sickness. Our family is thinking of and praying for you. We are so happy Khloe is home with her family. Love, Melanie and the Rollins Fam
